If I had to choose between loving you, && breathing... I'd use my last breath to say "I love you"... <3

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Last Day :( continued

Me and Kaitlyn :) I love this girl. Such a great friend!!! And I pretty much live at her house...
This is me and McKenna!!! I love McKenna!! She is such a great person!!
This is me and Ashton (aka Fire :P). Good friend... cute kid.
Groupie :) I love my group of friends, we are all dorks!! :)
Emily, Braygan, and I :) And that's Logan in the background. I love my friends :)

1 comment:

Steph said...

Oh Kenz...Ashton is cuter than Logan. But hey, I go for blondes ya know! But seriously, you aren't allowed to like guys til your 18 and in college. Oh and no wives or girlfriends or fiances, sick!

P.S. Scott wants to have a little chat with you about boys. ;)