If I had to choose between loving you, && breathing... I'd use my last breath to say "I love you"... <3

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Day 3 of Azurette Week. (late)

So.. Yesterday was probably my favorite day of Azurette Week.
First of all, practice was only 5 hours instead of 7!!
At 12, we all got in our swim suits and went to RAGING WATERS!!!!
It was my first time there, and I loved it!!
Instead of breaking off into little groups, we stayed as a drill team pretty much the entire day.
Our favorite thing was the wave pool.
Lindsay, who is a certified lifeguard at Kearns, was there and she "saved" us from drowning!! :D
It made me a little bit mad though...
On the giant slides, where you have to get over a big hill, I GOT STUCK. And not just once, oh no.... this girl got stuck twice!
But hey. I got to ride back down and climb off a ladder. NONE OF THE OTHER GIRLS GOT TO :O
So. In a way. I was pretty lucky ;)
We were all so tired during practice today though... I almost threw up actually. Right before our break. Luckily, I didn't!!
Tonight's movie night :D i'll post later.

Day 2 of Azurette Week. (late)

So on Tuesday, practice was from 7 to 2.
Surpisingly, it wasn't very bad.
Other than my feet killing me from those stupid gore boots, I survived!!
And Tuesday night, we had an Azurette barbeque. It was LOADS of fun!!
We sat in a big circle with our parents and went around saying who we are an who are parents are.
Sadly, my daddy was out of town.
So it was a girls night with ma momma!
Except, she had to leave after an hour so I was all by my lonesome.
We went around and the parents told embarrassing stories about every girl. My mom left right before my turn, so I was safe.
Then, the parents made up cheers... and we judged them!!
IT WAS HILARIOUS!! My sides hurt because I was laughing too hard!
Then we played games, and left!
Oh ya... of course we ate!
Day 1 and 2 really weren't as bad as I thought they would be!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Day 1 of Azurette Week.

Well.... today's been a pretty dang good day!!

For one thing, today's practice was only 5 hours. And it wasn't incredibly hard.

Second, I made our military dance!! That's the dance I wanted to make the most and I made it.

Third, we had team pictures tonight!!!!


I felt like a model.

They did my hair and make up... they took head shots... and full shots... they even had a fan to blow my hair!!!!!

I loved it so much.

I even took a picture!!

Ta da!!! This is Kenzie as a barbie. Haha... just kidding (:

I loved today though.... i'm a bit worried for tomorrow..... 7 HOURS!!

If I live... I'll post about it after :D

Friday, July 25, 2008

GNO!! (Girls Night Out)

Haha. I surprised Braygan, Mali, and Emily at the door with a camera.... muahahaha!!
Mali, Emily, Braygan, and McKenna!! Haha. She jumped in right as I took the picture.
Emily's "prom" picture!! Haha. She took many pictures of herself.
JULIE!! She's in Orem again :( but haha she's so awesome!
This was actually at another movie night we had on Tuesday... but I like this pic.. (: Me, Emily, and Bagaygan!! (:

New Layout!

Yesterday, I redesigned my blog layout.
I'm not sure I like it yet.
If you like the NEW ONE, let me know.
If you like the OLD ONE, let me know.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Girls Night!!!

Today was girls night at Kaitlyn's house.
We (me, Julie, Kaitlyn, Emily, Braygan, Mali, and McKenna) all went to Kait's house and had a party!! haha. We didn't even watch a movie like we were supposed to... we walked around and talked about guys and called people (: and i had a really fun night!!
But i'm way sad.. Julie (Kaitlyn's best friend from Orem) is leaving tomorrow night to go back home, and I really love her!! Haha. I've only known her for 2 days.. but we've become really good friends!! She wants to move here now.
Anyways... I'm tired.
I'll post again later

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






Lol!! I LOVE YOU EMILY!! Thanks for being the best friend a girl could ever have!! i don't know what I would do without you in my life!!!! YOU ROCK MY WORLD!

Summer Seminary. & Emily.

I know it's way late but I haven't posted in a LONG time and I wanted to post about my favorite thing today... SUMMER SEMINARY!! Yes, you heard me right. Summer Seminary.

It was seriously one of the best things i've done this summer!! It's fun, it's spiritual, and I get to see friends that I haven't seen since school got out.

The teacher, Bro. Smith, was incredibly funny and a very good speaker.
He kinda rambled about the most random things...
But it kept us laughing and happy. (:

There are also some pretty cute guys there... and hey, they went to summer seminary, they must be good guys! Am I right?? Hahaha.

I'm excited. Tomorrow is EMILY STAPLEY'S birthday (my BFFLAE and ever and ever... :D).
And she's throwing a little partay!
I still need to get her something... (and yes i'm getting you something Emily!)
YAY!! we'll both be 15!! lol

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I've Been Tagged!!

I've been tagged by my lovely aunt Steph, and since I love her, I'm gonna do it :)

3 Joys
-Being with my family.
-Having a dog.
-Girls Camp :).

3 Fears
-Spiders/Bees/Insects in general.
-That someone in my family will get hurt... I can't even imagine it... I don't know if I could handle it...

3 Goals
-To get a 4.0 all of my sophmore year.
-To run everyday, with the exception of Sunday.
-To be more outgoing with my ward and get to know the new girls better.

3 Current Obsessions
-Twilight series :)
-Trying to curl my hair... haha it won't curl!!!
-Ice cream... :)

3 Random Surprising Facts
-Even though it may not seem like it, I'm really really shy!
-I cry a lot... mainly when I feel the spirit... cough cough GIRLS CAMP.. :)
-I get homesick too easily...

I couldn't think of random facts. Anyways, I'm HOME :) I'll post about girls camp tomorrow. But, since I had to do this, I now tag Emily, Valerie, and Aunt Amy ;)